Sunday, February 23, 2014

Intro to Parenting

I'm big on short group activities this year - it gets them up and moving, gives them a chance to chat, and offers a jumpstart/refresher/review to whatever topic we're covering.

In Child Development, we have a short unit on "Parental Readiness" - the primary objective of course being to convince them that they are NOT ready to have children at their age. To intro this topic, I divided them into five random groups, and sent each group to a kitchen with this sheet:

In the box labeled #1, they had to choose (as a group) what they thought would be the most difficult job to have. Then they had to fill in the boxes in the column below box #1 to the best of their ability with what they already know.

All groups had to finish column #1 before anyone was told what column #2 was for.

When all had finished column #1, they were told to write "Parent" in box #2, then repeat the exercise for that column.

It was not long at all before they realized how difficulty the job of "parent" must be, leading to some great discussion. Also, a terrific springboard for that day's lesson. Score!

Here are the filled out forms for your entertainment:

I'll definitely be doing this one again!


  1. Great idea! Loved the "die stressed and depressed". Nice.

    1. They really did come up with some interesting answers!

  2. This is hilarious and very enlightening...GOOD JOB !

  3. Please ask "FACS teacher Jenna" to add me, I'd like to share something with her. email:
